Was the video of Mitt Romney’s “47% gaffe” selectively edited?

September 21, 2012

Interesting post on the video controversy… Double standards again in the media?

Was the video of Mitt Romney’s “47% gaffe” selectively edited?.

Wakey, Wakey!

September 21, 2012

Four years…

Four years ago, the American people were pondering whether to give their vote to a principled, Vietnam veteran, a man who put his country first or an inexperienced community organizer.

We all know how America voted in November 2012… John McCain and America lost. America and the Western world have been paying the price ever since. The incredibly disturbing events of the past week or so have moved me to fire off a few posts again in the hope that Americans do not make the same mistake again. A strong leader is required… Someone who will not let radicals get away with murder and someone who will resuscitate America’s economy.

John McCain was a good man who played by the rules of bygone politics… “Keeping it clean.” In doing so, he let Obama off the hook on numerous key issues: Obama was not vetted by the media as a result.

Mitt Romney must increase the pressure on Obama and force the issues that matter into the public eye. It will be no easy task as most of the media are batting for Obama.

A New 9/11 If Obama Wins? Biden says “Yes”

October 31, 2008

While he does not refer directly to the events of 9/11, Joe Biden clearly has the Al Qaeda attack firmly in his mind when he reflects upon and warns his audience what to expect if Americans were to vote for Barack Obama as the next President. Joe Biden, Obama’s choice for VP, actually states that an international crisis will occur (ie attack on USA). In fact, he adds, “I guarantee you, it’s gonna happen.”

Do Americans want another crisis to test them? Biden says a vote for Obama will invite an attack. It’s hard to believe he would say this… but he does. Why would Americans want to be the victims of another ‘crisis’/attack?

CNN: USA Vulnerable to Attack?

What’s worse…Godless or God-believing Dems?

October 31, 2008

On the one hand, there’s a furore surrounding allegations of connections between Democrat Kay Hagen and a group of atheists – hence, the “Godless” charge.

On the other hand, we have the Barack Obama camp seeing nothing wrong in the rants of the allegedly Christian and God-believing Jeremiah Wright.

Obama’s Not (W)Right For America

October 31, 2008

While John McCain has been a man of principle all his life, putting his love of country before himself, Barack Obama has used relationships with numerous people, regardless of their clear and explicit disdain and, in some cases, hatred for America, to further his own political career bearing little regard to any principles or morals.

Only one of these candidates seems suitable for the job of President. John McCain.

Catch another glimpse of Obama’s mentor and pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright. Obama’s judgment is very poor and it is clear that his choice of mentor/pastor/family friend means he cannot be the man to lead America in these troubling times.

CNN: Biden talks about GOP having economics “upside down” – at least they do not have their ticket upside down inexperienced, unproven candidate running for President…

Obama Ridicules Joe The Plumber

October 17, 2008

Can Senator McCain make one of his trademark comebacks? Yes, if the Democratic spin and smoke and mirrors trickery are seen for what they really are by the American people. Maybe this is beginning to happen…

Obama is seen here ridiculing the now famous Joe the Plumber. What is more, the Democratic crowd joined in the mockery. They are out of touch with America.

CNN: McCain Comeback